上一層 |
國語和合本(CUV) |
中文新譯本(NCV) |
當代中譯本(CLV) |
英王欽定本(KJV) |
英文國際本(NIV) |
紅色字體在舊約表示是 神所說的話,在新約表示是耶穌所說的話 凡人名底下附加人名底線,如『亞當』、『夏娃』;凡地名附地名底線,如『伯拉河』、『耶路撒冷』等。 在中文版本中,原文無明指出的詞句,以小點加在底部,如創2:7句末『耶和華 神用地上的塵土造人、將生氣吹在他鼻孔裏、他就成了有靈的活人、名叫亞當。 』● 為一小段的結束。 |
四種蝗蟲 |
喫盡莊稼 |
一、警告災禍來臨 |
二、先知呼籲哀號 |
三、毀滅日子臨近 |
1.蝗蟲之災 2.老人警戒 3.酒醉的人 |
1.五穀毀壞 2.新酒乾竭 3.油也缺乏 |
1.喚起祭司 2.披麻悔改 3.先知求告 |
珥1:14(NCV) 你們要分定禁食的日子、宣告嚴肅會、招聚長老和國中的一切居民、到耶和華你們 神的殿、向耶和華哀求。
國語和合本(CUV) |
中文新譯本(NCV) |
當代中譯本(CLV) |
約珥豫示主降重災 (珥1:1-7) |
嚴重的蝗災 (珥1:1-7) |
毘土珥的兒子約珥 (珥1:1) |
珥1:1(CUV)耶和華的話臨到毘土珥的兒子約珥。● |
珥1:1(NCV)耶和華的話臨到毘土珥的兒子約珥:● |
珥1:1(CLV)主對毘土珥的兒子約珥所說的話,都記載在下面。● |
嚴重的蝗災 (珥1:2-4) |
珥1:2(CUV)老年人哪、當聽我的話.國中的居民哪、都要側耳而聽.在你們的日子、或你們列祖的日子、曾有這樣的事麼。 |
珥1:2(NCV)老年人哪!你們要聽這話。這地所有的居民啊!你們要留心聽。在你們的日子,或在你們祖先的日子,曾有這樣的事嗎? |
珥1:2(CLV)以色列的父老們,你們聽啊!全地的人民,你們也要留心細聽!在你們一輩子裏,在你們民族的歷史之中,你們可曾聽過像以下我要告訴你們的事情呢? |
珥1:3(CUV)你們要將這事傳與子、子傳與孫、孫傳與後代。 |
珥1:3(NCV)你們要將這事傳與子,子傳與孫,孫傳與後代。 |
珥1:3(CLV)把這些告訴你們的子孫,世代相傳下去! |
珥1:4(CUV)剪蟲剩下的、蝗蟲來喫.蝗蟲剩下的、蝻子來喫.蝻子剩下的、螞蚱來喫。● |
珥1:4(NCV)剪蟲剩下的,蝗蟲吃了;蝗蟲剩下的,蝻子吃了;蝻子剩下的,螞蚱吃了。● |
珥1:4(CLV)剪蟲要來侵襲你們的穀物。剪蟲吃剩的,蝗蟲要來吃;蝗蟲吃剩的,蝻子要來吃;蝻子吃剩的,蚱蜢就要來吃。● |
荒涼的景狀 (珥1:5-7) |
珥1:5(CUV)酒醉的人哪、要清醒哭泣.好酒的人哪、都要為甜酒哀號.因為從你們的口中斷絕了。 |
珥1:5(NCV)酒醉的人哪!你們要醒過來;要哀哭!所有嗜酒的人哪!你們都要為甜酒哀號,因為甜酒從你們的口裏斷絕了。 |
珥1:5(CLV)醉漢啊,醒過來,哭泣吧!嗜酒的人啊,哀號吧!葡萄已經毀盡,你們再沒有滴酒可以沾唇了。 |
珥1:6(CUV)有一隊蝗蟲、〔原文作『民』〕又強盛、又無數、侵犯我的地.他的牙齒如獅子的牙齒、大牙如母獅的大牙。 |
珥1:6(NCV)因為有一民族上來侵犯我的國土,他們強大又無數;他們的牙齒像獅子的牙齒,他們有母獅的大牙。 |
珥1:6(CLV)有一群可怕的蝗蟲侵進我的國土,牠們非常兇猛,而且是排山倒海地湧進來。牠們有雄獅的獠牙、母獅的利齒。 |
珥1:7(CUV)他毀壞我的葡萄樹、剝了我無花果樹的皮、剝盡而丟棄、使枝條露白。● |
珥1:7(NCV)他們使我的葡萄樹荒涼,折斷了我的無花果樹,把樹皮剝盡,丟在一旁,使枝條露白。● |
珥1:7(CLV)牠們毀壞我的葡萄樹,折斷我的無花果樹,樹皮被牠們剝脫下來,樹枝也就光禿發白。● |
勸民因災哀哭 (珥1:8-12) |
勸人民哀哭 (珥1:8-12) |
勸人民哀哭 (珥1:8-11) |
珥1:8(CUV)我的民哪、你當哀號、像處女腰束麻布、為幼年的丈夫哀號。 |
珥1:8(NCV)你們要哀號,像少女腰束麻布,為她幼年時許配的丈夫哀號一樣。 |
珥1:8(CLV)我的子民啊,你們要像一個死了未婚夫的少女,穿上喪服痛哭哀號。 |
珥1:9(CUV)素祭和奠祭從耶和華的殿中斷絕.事奉耶和華的祭司都悲哀。 |
珥1:9(NCV)素祭和奠祭都從耶和華的殿裏斷絕了,事奉耶和華的祭司也都悲哀。 |
珥1:9(CLV)殿中各種祭禮都停止了,事奉上帝的祭司都哀傷憂愁。 |
珥1:10(CUV)田荒涼、地悲哀、因為五穀毀壞、新酒乾竭、油也缺乏。 |
珥1:10(NCV)田野荒廢,土地淒涼,因為五穀毀壞,新酒乾竭,油也缺乏。 |
珥1:10(CLV)田地荒廢,遍地蒼涼,五穀盡毀,再也沒有葡萄酒和橄欖油了。 |
珥1:11(CUV)農夫阿、你們要慚愧、修理葡萄園的阿、你要哀號、因為大麥小麥、與田間的莊稼、都滅絕了。 |
珥1:11(NCV)農夫啊!你們要為大麥和小麥羞愧。修理葡萄園的啊!你們要哀號,因為田間的莊稼都破壞了。 |
珥1:11(CLV)農夫啊,你們要哀傷!因為大麥小麥和田間的穀物已經毀得一乾二淨了,修理葡萄園的人啊,你們要哀號!因為葡萄樹枯死了,無花果樹凋殘,石榴樹、棕樹、杏樹和一切樹木都已經萎謝,人間的歡樂也消逝了。● |
珥1:12(CUV)葡萄樹枯乾.無花果樹衰殘、石榴樹、棕樹、蘋果樹、連田野一切的樹木、也都枯乾.眾人的喜樂盡都消滅。● |
珥1:12(NCV)葡萄樹枯乾,無花果樹衰殘;石榴樹、棕樹、蘋果樹,田野所有的樹木都枯乾,因此歡樂從人間消失了。● |
珥1:12(CLV)併入第11節中 |
集眾禁食籲主 (珥1:13-20) |
呼籲人民禁食禱告 (珥1:13-20) |
呼籲人民禁食禱告 (珥1:13-14) |
珥1:13(CUV)祭司阿、你們當腰束麻布痛哭.伺候祭壇的阿、你們要哀號.事奉我 神的阿、你們要來披上麻布過夜.因為素祭、和奠祭、從你們 神的殿中斷絕了。 |
珥1:13(NCV)祭司阿!你們要腰束麻布,並且痛哭。在祭壇侍候的啊!你們要哀號。事奉我的 神的啊!你們披上麻布進去過夜吧,因為素祭和奠祭,都從你們的 神的殿中止息了。 |
珥1:13(CLV)祭司啊,穿著喪服哀傷吧!在祭壇前服事主的僕人啊,你們也要披麻哭泣,因為再沒有人在聖殿獻上祭物了。 |
珥1:14(CUV)你們要分定禁食的日子、宣告嚴肅會、招聚長老和國中的一切居民、到耶和華你們 神的殿、向耶和華哀求。● |
珥1:14(NCV)你們要把禁食的日子分別為聖,召開嚴肅會,聚集眾長老和國中所有的居民,到你們的 神耶和華的殿裏,向耶和華呼求。● |
珥1:14(CLV)你們要定一個禁食的日子,舉行嚴肅的聚會,召集國中的長老和人民,到主你們上帝的殿裏哀求。● |
上帝懲罰的日子 (珥1:15-20) |
珥1:15(CUV)哀哉、耶和華的日子臨近了.這日來到、好像毀滅從全能者來到。 |
珥1:15(NCV)哀哉那日!因為耶和華的日子臨近了;那日來到,好像毀滅從全能者臨到一樣。 |
珥1:15(CLV)唉,上帝懲罰的日子快要來到了!全能者要大施毀滅了。 |
珥1:16(CUV)糧食不是在我們眼前斷絕了麼.歡喜快樂不是從我們 神的殿中止息了麼。 |
珥1:16(NCV)糧食不是在我們的眼前斷絕了嗎?歡喜與快樂不是從我們的 神的殿中止息了嗎? |
珥1:16(CLV)我們的糧食已經斷絕;上帝殿中的歡樂也消失了。 |
珥1:17(CUV)穀種在土塊下朽爛.倉也荒涼、廩也破壞.因為五穀枯乾了。 |
珥1:17(NCV)穀種在土塊底下朽爛,倉庫荒涼,穀倉破爛被拆毀,因為五穀都枯乾了。 |
珥1:17(CLV)種子在土裏霉爛,糧庫荒廢,谷倉被拆毀,五穀乾死; |
珥1:18(CUV)牲畜哀嗚、牛群混亂、因為無草.羊群也受了困苦。 |
珥1:18(NCV)牲畜發出哀鳴,牛群到處流蕩,因為沒有草場給牠們,羊群也同樣受苦。 |
珥1:18(CLV)牲畜也悲鳴起來了,牛群四處遊蕩,卻找不到草場,羊群也受盡了飢餓的痛苦。 |
珥1:19(CUV)耶和華阿、我向你求告.因為火燒滅曠野的草場.火焰燒盡田野的樹木. |
珥1:19(NCV)耶和華阿!我向你求告;因為火吞滅了曠野的草場,火燄燒盡了田間所有的樹木。 |
珥1:19(CLV)上帝啊!求你幫助我們,因為猛火吞滅了荒野的草原,烈火燒光了田野的樹木, |
珥1:20(CUV)田野的走獸向你發喘.因為溪水乾涸、火也燒滅曠野的草場。● |
珥1:20(NCV)田野的走獸也向你發喘,因為溪水都乾涸了,火吞滅了曠野的草場。● |
珥1:20(CLV)甚至林中的野獸也向你哀鳴求救,因為溪澗已經枯乾,田野也再沒有草地了。● |
英王欽定本(KJV) |
英文國際本(NIV) |
Joel 1:1(KJV)The word of the LORD that came to Joel the son of Pethuel. |
Joel 1:1(NIV)The word of the LORD that came to Joel son of Pethuel. |
An Invasion of Locusts(Joel 1:2-12) |
Joel 1:2(KJV)Hear this, ye old men, and give ear, all ye inhabitants of the land. Hath this been in your days, or even in the days of your fathers? |
Joel 1:2(NIV)Hear this, you elders; listen, all who live in the land. Has anything like this ever happened in your days or in the days of your forefathers? |
Joel 1:3(KJV)Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation. |
Joel 1:3(NIV)Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. |
Joel 1:4(KJV)That which the palmerworm hath left hath the locust eaten; and that which the locust hath left hath the cankerworm eaten; and that which the cankerworm hath left hath the caterpiller eaten. |
Joel 1:4(NIV)What the locust swarm has left the great locusts have eaten; what the great locusts have left the young locusts have eaten; what the young locusts have left other locusts have eaten. |
Joel 1:5(KJV)Awake, ye drunkards, and weep; and howl, all ye drinkers of wine, because of the new wine; for it is cut off from your mouth. |
Joel 1:5(NIV)Wake up, you drunkards, and weep! Wail, all you drinkers of wine; wail because of the new wine, for it has been snatched from your lips. |
Joel 1:6(KJV)For a nation is come up upon my land, strong, and without number, whose teeth are the teeth of a lion, and he hath the cheek teeth of a great lion. |
Joel 1:6(NIV)A nation has invaded my land, powerful and without number; it has the teeth of a lion, the fangs of a lioness. |
Joel 1:7(KJV)He hath laid my vine waste, and barked my fig tree: he hath made it clean bare, and cast it away; the branches thereof are made white. |
Joel 1:7(NIV)It has laid waste my vines and ruined my fig trees. It has stripped off their bark and thrown it away, leaving their branches white. |
Joel 1:8(KJV)Lament like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth. |
Joel 1:8(NIV)Mourn like a virgin in sackcloth grieving for the husband of her youth. |
Joel 1:9(KJV)The meat offering and the drink offering is cut off from the house of the LORD; the priests, the LORD's ministers, mourn. |
Joel 1:9(NIV)Grain offerings and drink offerings are cut off from the house of the LORD. The priests are in mourning, those who minister before the LORD. |
Joel 1:10(KJV)The field is wasted, the land mourneth; for the corn is wasted: the new wine is dried up, the oil languisheth. |
Joel 1:10(NIV)The fields are ruined, the ground is dried up; the grain is destroyed, the new wine is dried up, the oil fails. |
Joel 1:11(KJV)Be ye ashamed, O ye husbandmen; howl, O ye vinedressers, for the wheat and for the barley; because the harvest of the field is perished. |
Joel 1:11(NIV)Despair, you farmers, wail, you vine growers; grieve for the wheat and the barley, because the harvest of the field is destroyed. |
Joel 1:12(KJV)The vine is dried up, and the fig tree languisheth; the pomegranate tree, the palm tree also, and the apple tree, even all the trees of the field, are withered: because joy is withered away from the sons of men. |
Joel 1:12(NIV)The vine is dried up and the fig tree is withered; the pomegranate, the palm and the apple tree--all the trees of the field--are dried up. Surely the joy of mankind is withered away. |
A Call to Repentance(Joel 1:13-20) |
Joel 1:13(KJV)Gird yourselves, and lament, ye priests: howl, ye ministers of the altar: come, lie all night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God: for the meat offering and the drink offering is withholden from the house of your God. |
Joel 1:13(NIV)Put on sackcloth, O priests, and mourn; wail, you who minister before the altar. Come, spend the night in sackcloth, you who minister before my God; for the grain offerings and drink offerings are withheld from the house of your God. |
Joel 1:14(KJV)Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry unto the LORD. |
Joel 1:14(NIV)Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly. Summon the elders and all who live in the land to the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the LORD. |
Joel 1:15(KJV)Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come. |
Joel 1:15(NIV)Alas for that day! For the day of the LORD is near; it will come like destruction from the Almighty. |
Joel 1:16(KJV)Is not the meat cut off before our eyes, yea, joy and gladness from the house of our God? |
Joel 1:16(NIV)Has not the food been cut off before our very eyes--joy and gladness from the house of our God? |
Joel 1:17(KJV)The seed is rotten under their clods, the garners are laid desolate, the barns are broken down; for the corn is withered. |
Joel 1:17(NIV)The seeds are shriveled beneath the clods. The storehouses are in ruins, the granaries have been broken down, for the grain has dried up. |
Joel 1:18(KJV)How do the beasts groan! the herds of cattle are perplexed, because they have no pasture; yea, the flocks of sheep are made desolate. |
Joel 1:18(NIV)How the cattle moan! The herds mill about because they have no pasture; even the flocks of sheep are suffering. |
Joel 1:19(KJV)O LORD, to thee will I cry: for the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and the flame hath burned all the trees of the field. |
Joel 1:19(NIV)To you, O LORD, I call, for fire has devoured the open pastures and flames have burned up all the trees of the field. |
Joel 1:20(KJV)The beasts of the field cry also unto thee: for the rivers of waters are dried up, and the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness. |
Joel 1:20(NIV)Even the wild animals pant for you; the streams of water have dried up and fire has devoured the open pastures. |
(1)經文表解摘自『聖經分章大要』(台灣石門水庫教會 張志新 長老 1990年)
(3)英文欽定本(King James Version)聖經摘自網絡中英聖經(http://www.ccim.org/index.html )
上一層 |