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眼目光明 |
沉睡至死 |
一、終日痛苦憂傷 |
二、絕望中的呼求 |
三、歎息變成讚美 |
1.掩面不顧 2.仇敵升高 3.要到幾時 |
1.求神看顧 2.免敵得勝 3.幸災樂禍 |
1.救恩快樂 2.向神歌唱 3.厚恩待我 |
(UCV)國語和合本 |
(NCV)中文新譯本 |
(CLV)當代中譯本 |
(KJV)英皇欽定本 |
(NIV)英文國際本 |
詩13:1(UCV)【罹憂苦求耶和華眷顧】{大衛的詩,交與伶長。}耶和華啊!你忘記我要到幾時呢?要到永遠嗎?你掩面不顧我要到幾時呢? 詩13:1(NCV)【在憂苦中祈求 神看顧】{大衛的詩,交給詩班長。}耶和華啊!你忘記我要到幾時呢﹖要到永遠嗎﹖你掩面不顧我,要到幾時呢﹖ 詩13:1(CLV)主啊,你忘記我要到甚麼時候呢?難道是到永遠嗎?你轉臉不看我,要到甚麼時候呢? Psalm 13:1(KJV)How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? Psalm 13:1(NIV){ For the director of music. A psalm of David. } How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? |
詩13:2(UCV)我心裡籌算,終日愁苦要到幾時呢?我的仇敵升高壓制我要到幾時呢? 詩13:2(NCV)我心裏籌算不安,內心終日愁苦,要到幾時呢﹖我的仇敵勝過我,要到幾時呢﹖ 詩13:2(CLV)晝夜不停的愁煩,還要埋藏在我心底多久呢?我的仇敵佔盡上風,要到幾時呢? Psalm 13:2(KJV)How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? Psalm 13:2(NIV)How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? |
詩13:3(UCV)耶和華我的 神啊!求你看顧我,應允我,使我眼目光明,免得我沉睡至死; 詩13:3(NCV)耶和華我的 神啊!求你看顧我,應允我;求你使我的眼睛明亮,免得我沉睡至死; 詩13:3(CLV)主我的上帝啊,請你回答我。求你賜我亮光,免得我在沉睡中死去; Psalm 13:3(KJV)Consider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death; Psalm 13:3(NIV)Look on me and answer, O LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death; |
詩13:4(UCV)免得我的仇敵說:「我勝了他。」免得我的敵人在我搖動的時候喜樂。 詩13:4(NCV)免得我的仇敵說:「我勝過了他」;免得我趺倒的時候我的敵人就歡呼。 詩13:4(CLV)免得我的仇敵說:「我們已經勝過了他!」免得他們因我的敗落而歡喜。 Psalm 13:4(KJV)Lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved. Psalm 13:4(NIV)my enemy will say, "I have overcome him," and my foes will rejoice when I fall. |
詩13:5(UCV)但我倚靠你的慈愛;我的心因你的救恩快樂。 詩13:5(NCV)至於我,我倚靠你的慈愛,我的心必因你的救恩歡呼。 詩13:5(CLV)儘管如此,我還是深信你的恩慈,我的心要因著你的拯救而歡欣。 Psalm 13:5(KJV)But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. Psalm 13:5(NIV)But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. |
詩13:6(UCV)我要向耶和華歌唱,因祂用厚恩待我。 詩13:6(NCV)我要歌頌耶和華,因他以厚恩待我。(詩5-6在《馬索拉抄本》為詩13:6) 詩13:6(CLV)我要向主歌唱,因為祂已經大大地賜福給我。 Psalm 13:6(KJV)I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me. Psalm13:6(NIV)I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me. |
(1)經文表解參考自『聖經分章大要』(台灣石門水庫教會 張志新 長老 1990年遺作)
(3)英文欽定本(King James Version)聖經摘自網絡中英聖經(http://www.ccim.org/index.html)
Email Address: webmaster@konline.org
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